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Occupy London G.A. Saturday 7th June 2014. 3GA Model and TTIP



1. The merits of the 3 GA model v. the classic GA model (or another model?).

2. TTIP: A presentation of the main issues, followed by breakout groups to discuss how Occupy London can best contribute to making the STOP TTIP day of action on 12th July a big success. To discuss 10 core principles of Alternative Trade Mandate.

Each topic will get 45 minutes. We will be asking for 10 minute total working group feedback prior to these topics, and there will be 15-30 minutes to discuss other issues/shoutouts at the end.

The GA started feed back from the working groups. Including Putney Debates and Future of Occupy meetings.

EWG-Economics Working Group
The econmics working groups are discussing econmic system change, reform and accountibilty. This group is looking at a document regarding natural water and land resources. The econmics working group is discussing citizens rights to land and water resources. There is a weekly meeting.

IWG-International Working Group
The international working group is reaching out and communicating with global communities. IWG is organizing actions in soldarity with migrants and youth groups. They are speaking regarding an Occupy London Value of Principles Flyer as part of outreach.

DAWG-Democracy Action Working Group
Occupy Parliment Square Planning Oct 17Th action. How can we take over the square? Producing a Callout statement, aquired a domain for website. Callout for graphic designer’s and developer’s.

Putney Debates Organising Group
Oct 25TH Putney Callout to action groups. Talks and expert speakers regarding democracy in a hortizonal way.

HOWL-How Occupy Works London
Talks regarding direct democracy and concenus. Current debates regarding 3 GA model.

EEEWG-Energy Equity and Environmental Working Group
The EEEWG is looking at different ways neo liberalism is destroying the environment. The focus of talks is on fracking, City of London Corporation and connections to the TTIP.

FOWG-Future of Occupy Meetings
Skill sharing and talks on non violent action. 15th of June next meeting.
Speaking presentation: 3 GA model
1. The merits of the 3 GA model v. the classic GA model (or another model?).

Would members attend 3 meetings a month?
Communication and Democracy
Class and Privilege
Direct Democracy
Is 2 hours a month enough time to make decisions?
What is democracy?
Attitude and Debate
Communicate objects to each other

Breakout groups to discuss the 3 GA model
15 minute breakout groups and feedback.

1. Good communication at strategy meeting. Should we have more GA’s? Do all decision need to be made at GA?
2. Occupiers unavailable to make to GA. Can GA be held anywhere?
3. Would people attend 3 meetings a month? Would we like to try 3 GA model as expertiment?

Speaker presentation StopTTIP
2. STOPTTIP: A presentation of the main issues Linda Kaucher, followed by breakout groups to discuss how Occupy London can best contribute to making the STOPTTIP day of action on 12th July a big success.

TTIP- Transatlatic Trade and Investment partnership

GM Threat
Health and Safety
ISDS- Investor State Dispute settlement
Corporations suing governments/people for loss of profits
Harmonisation awareness ground is shifting
Harmonization changed to Regulatory Cooperation
Occupy London public endorse StopTTIP postion
Taking action

Core Principles of Alternative Trade Mandate read to assembly
Breakout groups to discuss the STOPTTIP Action and Alternative Trade Mandate
15 minute breakout groups and feedback.

1. Against TTIP
2. Support Alternate Trade Mandate (ATM)
3. Action July 12th European Parliament Offices
4. Fair Trade
5. Alternative Currency Systems
6. Write your MP’s

Consensus is carried Occupy London will sign the Alternative Trade Mandate (No Blocks No Stand Aside).

Livestream Direct Debit Request
1. Donations and transactions for livestreamers
2. Direct Debit phone bill 3 live streamers (107) monthly
3. Occupy London Livestream account for donation
4. Anti Fracking Direct Action Live Streamers

Consensus is carried for 3 direct phone debits for live stream (1 Stand aside. no blocks) .
The Alternative Trade Mandate Alliance

What is TTIP?

Facebook: Stop TTIP UK
Facebook: Occupy Law UK


About Obi_Live

Occupier at OccupyLSX Camp. Then an Occupy Nomad. The revolution will be Livestreamed.

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