Archive for ‘Occupy Law’

David & Goliath – Drug Policy and Russell Brand by Andria E-Mordaunt

Years ago, my then-therapist, who knew I’d been deeply involved in drug policy reform, suggested I contact Russell Brand as he was also speaking out against unhelpful drug legislation. I had stopped watching TV, so barely knew who he was.
Fast forward to early 2014, and he is suddenly an acquaintance: fellow ex-drug[…]

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Latest Neoliberal Attack on the Legal System by Mel Strickland

Latest Neoliberal attack in the legal system by Mel Strickland.
Latest neoliberal reform in the legal system: the introduction of criminal court charges coming into effect on 13 April ranging from £150 – £1200 – it will incentivise people to plead guilty as the fees are much cheaper than if you plead not guilty and[…]

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Gold Plated Human Rights? By Ashman Dan

Gold Plated Human Rights? By Ashman Dan
Human Rights were created to protect the people from the power of the state in acknowledgement of the scale of harm that too much concentrated power can cause. When the state is ordering those who are meant to enforce human rights not to respect them in order for[…]

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Campaigners given go-ahead to legally challenge Mayor of London over Parliament Square fencing

Crossposted from Liberty.
Campaigners given go-ahead to legally challenge Mayor of London over Parliament Square fencing.
Liberty’s client has been granted permission to take the Mayor of London to court over his decision to fence off Parliament Square – preventing peaceful protests by Occupy Democracy from going ahead.
The High Court has given the green[…]

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The Infrastructure Bill will ensure our continued dependence on fossil fuels

The Infrastructure Bill will ensure our continued dependence on fossil fuels by Mel Strickland.
“…when people say, “The regulatory system is broken. It’s not protecting our health, safety and welfare.” And I say, “Well, maybe it’s not broken, but it’s working perfectly.” Because its goal is not necessarily to protect health, safety and welfare. The[…]

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The Infrastructure Bill and the new legal duty to maximise emissions

Crossposted from NoDashforGas
The Infrastructure Bill and the new legal duty to maximise emissions by Melanie Strickland.
Published 11 December 2014
“It reads like a sweetie shop for corporate lobbyists, and for all those still intent on their neo-liberal deregulatory crusade.” Jonathon Porritt in his blog sums up everything that’s wrong with the Infrastructure[…]

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Law vs Justice by Tina-Louise Rothery

Crossposted from Law vs Justice by Tina-Louise Rothery

For the past three years I have often been made to feel like I am a criminal; made to feel that my actions cause fear and that I am not entitled to justice because I made the decision to stop being taken through life according to[…]

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Fracking protester cleared of obstructing police after court rules GMP got the law wrong

Fracking protester cleared of obstructing police after court rules GMP got the law wrong
An appeal panel has ruled that Greater Manchester Police got the law wrong when they arrested an activist outside Barton Moss Community Protection Camp
He had attached himself by the neck to a door handle inside an orange single-decker parked outside[…]

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The ConDems want to rob us of our right to stop fracking firms drilling under our homes.

In 2015, the Magna Carta is 800 years old. The Magna Carta is the FOUNDATION OF LIBERTY. The government wants to change the law to facilitate fracking and our RIGHTS to stop firms from drilling under our homes will be stripped away from us. Francis Egan of Lord Brown’s Cuadrilla said that the government should[…]

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