G.A. 24 AUGUST 2013: Mass Sleep Out, Balcombe, DPAC


General Assembly from August 1st 2013.

09/08/2013 Consensus:
August 24th 2013. Mass Sleep out on the steps of St. Paul’s Cathedral. 50 other events in various cities around the country.

Solidarity for Balcombe Community Protection Camp.

Solidarity for DPAC week of action.

£200.00 to Reclaim the Power to re-imburse people who have already bought tickets for West Burton.
£300.00 for funds to deliver and then take back Tent City University and Tech Tent.

Occupy London would use the legal funds to assist people who took direct action at Reclaim the Power .

This does not preclude reducing the fund if a GA decides it wants to spend some of the presently ring fenced money on something else.

In the Reclaim the Power Assembly, I wanted to propose that Occupy London officially support the Great Gas Gala, but I was a bit too late for that proposal.

We do have to note that there are enough people in Balcombe from Occupy that it feels like OccupyLSX without the hostility from the local groups. It was suggested that we could hold another Assembly at St. Paul’s Steps for the actions happening in the coming months.

I would also propose that the funds from the bank account to be removed and a token left to keep it open. It is ridiculous that we have not even used the money for leaflets we can hand out to people.

Major actions for this year.

Mass Sleep out August 24th. St. Paul’s Cathedral. Asked assistance from Church liaisons to inform St. Paul’s Cathedral of our plans. Ask St. Paul’s to allow entrance in case of inclement weather and/or use of the toilet facilities. If not, the hire of a couple of portaloos may be advisable. Contacted some Unions representatives to see whether they would be interested in joining in the sleep out. Currently 40 sleep out events are planned.


September 29th Save NHS demo outside Manchester Tory Conference.

#NOV5th National Day of Civil Disobedience.



1. Occupy London solidarity with Great Gas Gala anti-fracking camp. Moving Tent City Uni and Tech Tent to site. Delivery date will be depend on whether Reclaim the Power will be in Balcombe or elsewhere.

2. DPAC week of action. 29/08/2013 to 04/09/2013.


3. Empty the bank account. including ring fenced legal fund, and use to fund actions, listed above.

If Reclaim the Power is moved from original site, then reimburse the Occupiers who have already bought tickets.
Funding for delivery of the big tents. Not to a squat where it will go missing.

Other ideas:

Outreach – Handouts: contact cards needed, another print of Little Book of Ideas.
Workshop: Making Solar Panels in Balcombe.Cuadrilla destroy the soil and water. We show another way.

Hope I covered what is needed.


About Obi_Live

Occupier at OccupyLSX Camp. Then an Occupy Nomad. The revolution will be Livestreamed.

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