To all at Preston New Road – by Tina Louise
To all at Preston New Road… we’ve faced this situation time and again for 6 years as evidenced in this beautiful memory showing the welcome from residents of Balcombe …to Protectors at BALCOMBE COMMUNITY PROTECTION CAMP.
Misinformation in the press, agitators sent by PR companies to divide us, challenges never before encountered and the mass of us that is comprised of all sorts of people from all sorts of places, with all sorts of ways – we’re a kaleidoscope of humanity and not all our patterns fit at first… we all get frazzled and burned out at times as we pass through anguish… to the final acceptance that this is not a short, sharp win – it’s a battle on many fronts that is relentless and sadly – inescapable. To walk away, means certain harm to our children.
BECAUSE… “to walk away – means CERTAIN harm to our children”… we’re stuck and growing and UNstoppable – regardless of what we face along the way