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Occupy London’s working groups are open to all…

occupy-rod-02Working Groups are formed when people involved with Occupy London want to focus on something new – a project, or topic, that inspires them to action. Working groups came into existence by seeking a mandate from the OL General Assembly, and if there was a consensus that the project is line with OL aims and statements, the group went ahead – with Occupy London’s support.  Working groups are open to all. Every voice is valued whatever your knowledge or expertise on the topic. Don’t hesitate to drop into a meeting; people would love to hear from you. It is people like you that continue to make the work of Occupy happen.



Democracy Action Working Group (DAWG)

ODslideOL-bigThis is Occupy London’s most recent working group (wg). Set up in Spring of 2014 this group went on to launch Occupy Democracy, with occupations of Parliament Square on a monthly basis since October 2014, and very active meetings and online discussions.

“We’re coming together because we want genuine democracy – free from corporate influence – where our voices count.”

“The people of the UK do not want to sell their NHS, or have fracking under their homes – and yet the UK government does it anyway.”

DAWG wants to see real democracy, people and environment prioritised over profit.

00051_00000website   occupydemocracy.org.uk

facebook  www.facebook.com/action4democracy

twitter   @occupydemocracy   #occupydemocracy

email   occupydemocracy@riseup.net

newsletter   sign up

To join the Democracy Action Working Group email list:  democracyactionwg-subscribe@lists.riseup.net

More Info & news, blogs from DAWG



Energy, Equity and Environment Working Group (EEE)

EEE-WG1The Energy Equity and Environmental Group is one of the original groups from the days of the OLSX camp outside St Paul’s Cathedral.

EEE has been active in supporting Reclaim The Power, Campaign against Climate Change, Fuel Poverty Action and a huge range of other groups and actions – all aimed at changing the way the world works to stop the slide towards irreversible climate change, pollution and wildlife/habitat loss…  and towards a society that puts people and planet before profit.




Climate protest at Buckingham PalaceConnect with EEE on social media for latest updates:

facebook  www.facebook.com/OccupyLondonEEE

twitter   @occupylsxenvtgp

EEE is not meeting regularly at the moment, but has instigated discussions about Extreme Energy as part of both the New Putney Debates and Occupy Democracy.

More Info & news, blogs associated with EEE



Economics Working Group (EWG)

ECNOMICThe Economics Working Group is one of the original groups from the days of the OLSX camp outside St Paul’s Cathedral.

The Economics Working Group Statement was adopted by consensus at an Occupy London General Assembly in 2011.

In 2012 the EWG produced The Little Book of Ideas.

The Occupy London GA has also adopted EWG recommendations on Banking, while members have produced various papers, helped organise protests against the financial system, and provided critical media commentary.

In 2015, Occupy London adopted the Plan for Co-operative Socialism.  Promoting this to eventual implementation is the present main work of the EWG.  See www.co-operativesocialism.org and the papers section at www.interestfreemoney.org for earlier discussion papers and documents.

The Economics Working Group usually meets on Mondays and Fridays, from 1700 to 2000 hrs (with a core time of 1800-1900 hrs) to “explore economic strategies for creating a fair and decent society” at Friends Meeting House, 173-177 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ – on the ground floor in the corridor outside the cafe. For confirmation of time and topic of next meeting, please email John on courtj@myphone.coop

There is an online Discussion List – to be added, please email: Dave Dewhurst on david@dewhurst.net 


The New Putney Debates

PutneyDebate2-copy1-e1406720027217In 2012 and again in 2014, occupiers from a cross-section of working groups collaborated to host a series of talks and debates “inspired by the Levellers’ and Diggers’ demands for social justice, civil rights and equal access to the land”.

The success of the 2014 New Putney Debates inspired those who’d been involved to continue meeting and working together to co-ordinate more similar events in the future. The group has been involved in supporting the Runnymede Ecovillage and has an active email list.

• website   thenewputneydebates.com
twitter   @putneydebates14
email   putneydebates@sitarc.org

More Info



Press/Social Media Working Group

This group works mainly online, updating the Occupy London website and facebook page, using Twitter, responding to enquiries from mainstream and alternative/citizen journalists, and from researchers interested in Occupy. The group collaborates on press releases when necessary, links interviewers with appropriate interviewees, livestreams events and does various other associated activities.

No experience is necessary to join the group, although an aptitude and/or willingness to learn about at least some of the activities of the group is pretty important. For those new to Occupy London, willingness to learn a bit about our history, our agreements and where we’re at now is also useful.

If you have any kind of media experience, or would like to have a go, and you genuinely support OL’s aims and agreements, you’re welcome to get in touch and join the group.

Contact:  press@occupylondon.org.uk




occupy-ttip-02Not an Occupy London Working Group, but occupiers were involved in setting up the No TTIP Forum and OL agreed at a General Assembly in 2014 to support all actions and groups working to prevent this Transatalantic Trade and Investment Partnership deal which threatens to give big business even more power over our society, our environment, our public services, and our democracy.

website   www.nottip.org.uk  • More Info




Contributions and updates from Occupy London’s working groups

– > More Working Group contributions

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