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Southwark Local Elections 2014: Voluntary and Community Sector Hustings.

Southwark Local Elections 2014: Voluntary and Community Sector Hustings. Hosted by Community Action Southwark.

The Battle for Tooley Street #VCHustings

Invitation from the Community Action Southwark:
In preparation for the local elections on 22nd May, CAS is hosting a local election hustings for the voluntary and community sector. The event will feature the leaders of all the main local political parties and will be held on 8th May in Southwark Cathedral (3-5pm).

Everyone knows that the next five years are going to be tough, with further big budget cuts affecting local charities. We think this is a great opportunity to ask the politicians what their vision is for Southwark and the role they feel the voluntary sector plays in achieving it.

These are interesting times for the voluntary and community sector with both Labour and the Liberal Democrats manifestos promising a commission looking at the role of the voluntary sector.

Candidates Attending:
Cllr Peter John (Labour)
Cllr Annod Al-Sameria (Liberal Democrats)
Prem Goyal (All People’s Party)
Eleanor Margolies (Green Party)
Bill Mullins (Trade Union and Socialist Coalition)
John Hellings (UKIP)
Rupert Mayers (Conservatives)

Video 1: Introducing the Candidates:

Video 2 : Questions from the Candidates: Living Wage, Social Cleansing or two Southwarks (Fairness), How funding is used, EU Funding.

Video 3: From Dave, Southwark Disablement Association.
Disability. How to create a Dementia friendly Southwark. How to support the elderly in Southwark and those affected by the Bedroom Tax.


Video 4: Recognition of Latin American Communities. Carnival del Pueblo. How do you support minorities.

Video 5: How do you propose investing in Imaginative Prevention. Assisting kids with problems i.e. ADHD.

Video 6: How do support young people who face unemployment, discrimination, the cuts.

Video 7:Tenants Associations.

Video 8: Last three questions.
1. Support for Refugees
2. Donnachadh McCarthy, upon receiving a xenophobic leaflet received from UKIP, he feels unwelcome as an EU migrant. Also, speaking on behalf of the 400 cyclists who have died in the last 4 years. Can they promise to spend 10% of the budget to ensure full segregation between cyclists and motorists.
3. Voluntary sector and grant funding. Financial constraints. Your take on local organisations, as opposed to national organisations.

If you would like to assist in our work and get the real uncensored news, please donate.
http://www.gofundme.com/8nzi68 or Paypal nemogbr@yahoo.co.uk

Community Action Southwark:

Ukip posters branded a ‘lie’ as builders report labour shortages

Democracy Cafe: Prostitute State with Donnachadh McCarthy
Southwark Disablement Association
SDA is an organisation of people with seen and unseen disabilities which supports disabled people to live independently and achieve their full potential.


About Obi_Live

Occupier at OccupyLSX Camp. Then an Occupy Nomad. The revolution will be Livestreamed.

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