England your England : Pete The Temp
Pete explores ideas of space, time and social freedom, focusing on his experiences of squatting in empty commercial properties throughout the UK. As a self employed poet and performing artist living on a low wage, Pete represents a growing group of our society who are having to find DIY solutions to live and thrive in our cities.
Shot in and round multiple London squats, as well as the now empty Olympic Park, the film asks important questions about the illusory housing crisis and the link between the mass privatisation of space and the lack of affordable housing in the UK.
Pete from England Your England on Vimeo.
Repeal New Squatting Law:
This is where homeless Daniel Gauntlett tried to find shelter through a bitterly cold winter and where, on a freezing night on Saturday, he finally succumbed to the cold.
Police had reportedly been called previously after he tried to break into the bungalow. And so Mr Gauntlett, had taken the fatal decision to abide by the law.