Hiroshima Nagasaki Memorial at Friend’s House Euston
Hiroshima Nagasaki Memorial.
Please Note: Video not working properly. However audio is fine.
About Andria E-Mordaunt
I have been a social activist (some say political ) since I was 12:four decades. I am the Mother of brilliant, athletic millie, my daughter who is five and I have an MSc in Social Policy & Planning from the LSE
I have been to Kabul and Cartegnena for World Social Forums and Global Drug Policy Summits, as well as many other Capitals and appeared in the media many times speaking about drug policy and treatment issues.
My health is challenged by several different disabilities, two of which are life-threatening, so I do (activism) what I can, when I can. In short, I am fighting for my life while I raise wonderful Millie, who has at least one remarkable skill: climbing trees without stealing the fruit!