How to get involved

Occupy London has an email list you can join – use the Contact page to get in touch.


Check our EVENTS page

Some of these events are ‘Occupy’ events, others are organised by allies and groups with similar aims. Events often provide an opportunity to share knowledge, develop skills and take action. They can be a great way to get to know like-minded people with similar passions.


You can find out about events and actions of the ‘London Occupy Network’ on this Meet Up page.








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Working groups are collections of people with real passion for positive change who work on a wide range of projects and topics.

Occupy London working groups include Democracy Action; Energy, Equity and Environment; New Putney Debates; Press; and Economics.

Check the Working Group Introductions page to get involved…

…or the Events page for details of working group activities.

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Participate in our assemblies

General Assemblies are gatherings of people committed to discussing issues and making decisions collectively and via consensus. The “Occupy London GA” is the decision making body of Occupy London.

Currently, there are no regular assemblies but an assembly may be called if Occupy London as a whole wants to come together to make a decision.

What is an Occupy London GA? – what to expect

How an OL General Assembly Works – the decision-making process

General Assembly Minutes – what happened at previous GAs

Public Occupy Assemblies that are not decision-making assemblies are sometimes held as part of a demonstration or direct action, or to spark a debate or discussion.

Assemblies are open for everyone to attend and participate in, and are publicised on this website and via OL social media:



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The spirit of Occupy involves groups and projects popping up everywhere. Strategically speaking it’s smarter if we know about each other so we can support each other and offer solidarity – so don’t be shy, say ‘hi’!

If you are interested in forming a new working group/campaign with the Occupy name, please
contact us. We can share information and grow the network!


Start a debate: Start talking in your community, in your family, with your friends about the issues Occupy is raising. Keep spreading the word!



If you would like to make a donation to Occupy London, please visit the donations page.


© 2012 Occupy London
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