Minutes of OL General Assemblies
Steps of St Pauls – 7:00pm Weather – Unseasonably bitter and cold
Facilitation – Liz / Vica Note taker – Jack
Proposals for consensus / discussion
1. Proposal for May Funding. – PASSED WITH AMMENDMENT
2. Request for travel expenses. – BLOCKED
3. Proposal to clarify objections, amendments, blocks. – DISCUSSED
4. Proposal for post-ratification[…]
Working Group Assembly – 3rd April 2012
Facilitator – Vica Minutes – Jack
Court hearings for those arrested in N9 attempting to Occupy Trafalgar Sq. This case is important. We could see a change to the law revolving around the use of section 5 of the criminal justice act, which has been used[…]
General Assembly 31st March 2012
A very blustery, cold day
Facilitator – Simon Minutes – Jack
Simon – First, a finance proposal
Proposal – £370 to Finsbury Square, £100 to Lime-house
Test for Consensus
2 stand asides – [request by the people standing aside, to have them registered]
CONSENSUS REACHED – no further tests
Facilitator: Jonn
Minutes: Tina
Location: outside Royal Opera Hall
Start: 19:05
End: 21:30
Jonni – Everyone knows the hand signals. In the process group we decided to do a working group assembly as normal, try and limit that to an hour. Then have a discussion about certain things that have been happening at the[…]
Working Group Assembly – 20th March 2012
Feedback from the May meetings, this is info for all WGs and your involvement
1st May – There’ll be marches across Europe tied into labour day. AS much involvement as possible. The 1st is about engagement, having a discussion and maybe a music event. This needs[…]
OccupyLSX Roaming General Assembly
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If you would like to follow the whole Roaming G.A. Please follow the links to the Bambuser Channel OccupyLSX.[…]
Location: TCU
Start time: 19:00
End time: 21:15
Facilitator: Vica
Minutes: Lilias, Tina
Launched website. Contains how to livestream, can do it on smartphone, can show you how to protect yourself. OccupyLondonTV.co.uk For eviction, you can do livestreaming from a smartphone, 30 seconds to show you how to do it. Tactics, police, excessive violence.[…]
Working Group G.A. in a very cold night. No lights available.
Lots of preamble, but shows what life can be like in the OccupyLSX Camp. ..with Bells!
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