Minutes of OL General Assemblies
Minutes from Occupy LSX General Assembly
1pm Thursday 24th November 2011
There are process meetings daily at 10pm and 5pm, and twice weekly process meetings at 2.15pm downstairs in the Salvation Army cafe. There’s a board in the library tent that shows upcoming proposals and discussions. Process also provides[…]
Location: St Paul’s Steps
Event: Evening General Assembly of Occupy LSX
Date: Wednesday 23 November
Facilitator: Arun
Minutes: John
Started 7.20pm (after band finished)
Facilitator: Welcome to new people…
Announcement: Tomorrow’s lunchtime GA will be all about the lunchtime GAs and internal coordination between the sites.
Process group feedback: Have been doing more streamlining, to[…]
Weds 23 Nov 1pm GA MINUTES
Initial comments:
Energy is currently being spread thinly over the 3 sites – LSX, FS and BoI; We may need to reassess number/locations of GAs to address this; Discussion has begun online and should be continued in Process meetings and at subsequent Gas.
Later comments on the same subject:[…]
Minutes of General Assembly Occupy London Stock Exchange 22/11/2011
Facilitator – Phil
Co-Facilitator – Laura
Minutes – Saskia
Meeting opened with beautiful singing from members of Songlines choir
Facilitator explained Agenda and handsignals
Updates from working groups
Legal – Paul – at 8.30 am on 23rd November people who choose to be named in COL[…]
Minutes of Occupy LSX General Assembly
7pm Monday 21st November 2011
1. Approval of statement of solidarity with Egyptian activists [Consensus achieved]
2. Approval of current Occupy LSX Charter, proposed by Legal group to facilitate court proceedings – [No consensus] – Referred for further discussion and clarification.
Occupy LSX General Assembly Minutes
1pm, Monday 21st November 2011
Our UK-Ireland convention took place over the weekend. Lots of different occupations met up and we’ve started a network. There will be a big press release today issued from all occupations at the same time – a multi-angle press[…]
Minutes Saturday 19 November 2011
Location: St Paul’s Steps
Event: Evening General Assembly of Occupy LSX
Date: Saturday 19 November
Facilitator: Saskia
Minutes: John
Started 7.05
Welcome to everybody.
There are 17 occupies here, learning and sharing with us: lsle of Wight, Norwich, Leeds, Brighton, Glasgow, Peterborough, Cork, Bath, Bristol, and Portsmouth….
Minutes of the General Meeting
Date: 14/11/2011
Time: 13:00
Facilitator: Richard
Co facilitator: Hannah
Minutes: Phil
Facilitator: Welcome
Intro to consensus
Working Group Updates
RECYCLING: Pick up rubbish as you walk through the camp. Remember to recycle correctly.
TRANQUILITY: Problems in the camp. Nobody agrees with drunkeness. Discussion to take place at 9pm[…]
Welcome and Introductions to the evening’s proceedings
The facilitator expressed Occupy London Stock Exchange’s solidarity with the student march and said how delighted we are to have you all here.
The facilitator went through process hand signals
It was explained that tonight’s General Assembly (G.A) is for political discussion
Working groups will feedback and anybody[…]