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Celebrating the life of Dr Chris Fursdon Davis, Occupier


Celebrating the life of Dr Chris Fursdon Davis, Occupier

Our dear friend Dr Chris Fursdon-Davis died this morning (19 November 2015), having lived with cancer for some years. Some of you knew Chris well from our days at Occupy together. That time changed many of our lives and bonded us together. Chris did lots of amazing things with Occupy, participating in many projects, including for example being an organiser and supporter of the New Putney Debates, and once handed in a petition to Downing Street on housing justice with Tammy.

Chris was a retired doctor. He was a caring man who was full of ideas and idealism. He lived a full life. It was rare to see him without his Occupy badge, even until he was very frail. He was a champion of Occupy and democracy. He had a youthful and mischievous sense of humour. He was caring, compassionate and cheerful. Even in his last days he was still asking about Occupy and what struggles we were involved in.

Chris believed most strongly in a caring society. He felt that a lot of problems were caused by lack of care. He took an interest in many issues and campaigns, especially issues of democracy, equality and housing. He was fairly selfless, he wanted to support campaigns and people and didn’t want to take credit for it, he didn’t want his name ‘out there’ and had little ego.

Chris lived in a house in Drayton, Oxfordshire, and he wanted the house to be used as a base to help promote education and debate to establish a caring society. That project continues and is called ACCESS -Abingdon Centre for a Caring, Enlightened and Sustainable Society.

The Facebook page for this project is here: https://www.facebook.com/ACCESSabingdon/?fref=ts – if you knew Chris or feel touched by his spirit, or just want to show some solidarity, please can you help promote this page and take an interest in the project. Peter is working on this project. For those of you who can’t make Paris climate COP mobilisations, there will be an event at ACCESS on 12 December 2015 to discuss the Sixth Extinction and how we stop it: https://www.facebook.com/events/750732148365791/

Please some positive vibes to Drayton, and do visit ACCESS if you can soon. Chris would have wanted us to get on with bringing about a caring society – deeds not words.

Finally, I can’t find a picture of Chris right now but here’s a message from Chris that was read out at the Occupy Democracy camp last year, it’s touching:

Mel fellow occupier, Chris’ friend


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