Great blog by Tanya Jones, who visited Preston New Road last weekend to speak about the campaign in Ireland, where fracking is now banned. She tweets as @decombustion
Tanya Jones was Green Party candidate for Fermanagh & South Tyrone.
GreenLassie at Preston New Road 4th August 2017[…]
Archive for ‘Fracking News’
BBC omit to mention in this report that Geoff Driver who occupies a senior post at Lancashire County Council is currently under investigation for financial fraud.
We have you surrounded Cuadrilla.
Mr. Driver we have you in check. Watch this space…
Cuadrilla ‘getting away’ with fracking rig breach
Police deny facilitating fracking drill operation[…]
KatrinaL Arrested at PNR on 04082017
Didn’t believe it until I saw the live stream. This is something that is becoming a habit due to the ridiculous arrests police are making to try and whittle down the protectors numbers…
1. Someone arrested for swearing (laughed out of court)
2. Someone arrested for a cigarette end[…]
We can’t stop this industry by just locking-on or jumping on trucks by Tina Louise Rothery
We can’t stop this industry by just locking-on or jumping on trucks – BUT we don’t stand a chance at all, if we don’t take direct action. Since fracking companies started threatening our communities over 6 years ago… we[…]
Read more →Lorry surfing, in a surfer’s own words.
I’m free! I have my phone back and I’m heading down to London this weekend. Lancs police gave me a nice hot shower, tea, cottage pie, smiles, a warm place to sleep for a while and asked me to rate my stay on TripAdvisor 🙂 oh and these[…]
Its getting interesting down on Preston New Road in Blackpool by Peter Yankowski
Its getting interesting down on Preston New Road in Blackpool. Seems that there is a metaphorical or maybe even an actual tear in reality as state sanctioned violence and consumerism meets peaceful protectors. The fossil fuel industries have sold and consumed most[…]
Occupy Mayday at PNR Site 28072017 #RollingResistance
Firstly … In parts this time, just in case … You’re correct, I can not access 4G data on the Three network.
Today, all in all, would have qualified as being a fairly decent anti-fracking action, if not for how it ended. There was a total lockdown of[…]
From 11/07/2017
Tina Louise Rothery interview regarding the protection camp set up against Cuadrilla poisoning the water supply in Lancashire.
Lancashire Police have drafted in officers from other forces to launch a 24-hour operation at the fracking site in Fylde.
Current £450,000 tax payers’ money ([per month) budgeted for the Police to act as Cuadrilla[…]
Day 139 in the Cuadrilla House… and the good people were over 200 in number and bountiful with the vegetables and fruits of our lands as we honoured the food growers in their stand against fracking. The day was incredible… though early violent incidents by police marked its start… and lies and deceit by police[…]
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