Just a little while ago, I spoke to a volunteer called Norman at the Bromley Borough Foodbank. He told me the story of a man who has not eaten for almost a week, has cancer in his ankle, having chemotherapy and found fit for work….the poor man sobbed his heart out on Norman’s shoulder. Scared of what the future holds as he battles cancer and having to for the first time today go to a foodbank so he could eat tonight.
I want to share this with you now. I live in Bromley. Bromley is a London Borough, one of the biggest out of the 33 London Boroughs. The Cheif Executive Doug Patterson is trying to get rid of the foodbanks in Bromley. This council has £105m in reserves and yet is charging the foodbank £8,500 a year rent all so they can help people in deep distress. The foodbank has no money, it relies on donations of food from the pubic to help those who can’t eat.
Last week, at the DWP parliamentary select committee on 3rd February 2014, Iain Duncan Smith, the secretary of state for pensions said, that with the 1 per cent increase in benefits NO ONE IN THIS COUNTRY is struggling…..
Well Doug Patterson and Iain Duncan Smith, tell me this….
Why from 1st April 2013 to now did 4,297 men women and children in Bromley Borough need help from a foodbank. 1600 of them are affected by the Bedroom Tax. 1,733 of these are children. Yes, children.
On 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013, 3,266 men women and children needed help from a foodbank to eat, 1,533 of these are children…..
Iain Duncan Smith, you liar, you thief, you bastard, your reforms are causing death, and starvation, do not tell me no one is struggling in this country.
These figures are from Bromley Borough Foodbank. This is for one area of the UK today, Norman gave me these figures, he works there. He cried on the phone to me. I came off the phone and sobbed my heart out….and I make this promise to the people of Bromley here today….to Bromley council, hell is coming your way, and her name is Paula Peters and I will not be gagged….I will get the truth of this out there!
JOIN US! BROMLEY COUNCIL SET BUDGET FOR THE YEAR MEETING Monday 24th february 2014 7 pm main chamber. Vigil at 6 pm Main quadrangle to support the staff, bring banners bring megaphones bring yourselves!