By Robert Booth
Crossposted from the Guardian
Police have arrested 15 demonstrators at Parliament Square including, for a brief period, the Green Party politician Jenny Jones.
Jones, chairwoman of the London assembly’s economy committee and deputy chair of its police and crime committee, went to see what was happening at the Occupy London protest[…]
Phone: 07751445132 / 07745651634 / 07424934658
Twitter: #occupydemocracy / @occupydemocracy / @occupylondon
NB. Pictures/video are available, plus interviews with people from the occupation can be arranged
Occupy London TV
#occupydemocracy Escalate Their Campaign for Real Democracy
Overnight in Parliament Square eight #occupydemocracy protestors prepared to commit an act of non-violent civil disobedience[…]
By Peter Dombi; cross-posted from Our Broken System
Many people will be aware of the corrupting influence that the private funding of political parties has on our democratic process. The Tory Party gets most of its funding from big business (and over half its funding from the City of London) so it’s no surprise they[…]
Anyone of them at any time could be livestreaming. They are swapping around shifts x[…]
By Tom Fielder
Crossposted from Huffington Post
At eighteen minutes past six on Sunday evening, as soon as the Sun had set, police closed in to break up a group of peaceful protesters sitting together in solidarity on the lawns of Parliament Square. Beneath the helpless gaze of Nelson Mandela, one protester after another was[…]
Crossposted from the Guardian
Between 50 and 100 Occupy Democracy protesters remain after police arrest one and evict others after three days in square
Police made one arrest after hundreds of officers converged on Parliament Square in London on Sunday night in an attempt to remove Occupy Democracy protesters.
A Metropolitan police spokesman said that[…]
By Nathan Shishjamo
As children we are told, lying is bad. That we should never lie to somebody because that’s a mark of disrespect. So when does our opinion of lying change? At what point does lying become acceptable in modern society? The political system that we are controlled by does this on an unprecedented[…]
Phone: 07751445132 / 07745651634 / 07424934658 / 07590 405 810
Twitter: #occupydemocracy / @occupydemocracy / @occupylondon
NB. Pictures/video are available, plus interviews with people from the occupation can be arranged
Update: London police torment #OccupyDemocracy protestors on Parliament Square
Overnight in Parliament Square,#OccupyDemocracy protestors aiming to draw attention to the growing democratic[…]
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