Birmingham Refuse Workers Strike, Vive La Résistance
Birmingham Refuse Workers Strike, vive la resistance
yey! refuse workers have just been in our road, 5 weeks since the wheelie bin got emptied, 4 weeks since they last came to collect loose bags in the street, they’ve just swept the paving, , how we’ve missed them …………………. but long live the resistance, solidarity with your strike, no refuse worker should be facing a £4000 pay cut after 4 years of pay freeze and measly 1% for till 2020 …why does the 6th richest nation believe we should all be racing to minimum wage poverty and foodbanks in return for for arduous manual handling jobs…manual workers wear out quicker..the whole thing is a disgrace none of us would stand for this if it were us affected..Vive La Résistance.
~Esther Ball.
Further Links:
Birmingham bin strike: All your questions answered
Birmingham council refuse workers to strike over job losses and ‘bullying culture’