Dear Occupy Supporter,
2013 saw Occupy London working for social, economic and environmental justice locally, nationally and internationally. 2014 looks to be even busier.
There’s a lot to take issue with, from unjust cuts to public services and welfare, to an unsustainable dash to frack our countryside, and unprecedented revelations about global surveillance.
Paul Mason,[…]
Author Archive
How about putting this video that I made with my students at Paul’s back up?
Has a weird resonance now.
See what you think.
I used the song Don’t Stop Me Now as a metaphor for the hedonistic, addictive consumerism of the credit card years and the rampaging greed and nihilism of the puppet state,[…]
By John Sinha for Occupy London Media.
Protest Song is an account of the occupy movement as seen through the eyes of one of the long-term homeless residents of St. Paul’s during the months of the occupation there.
Through a monologue format, in which the audience itself forms a prop to Danny’s narrative, we are[…]
Tanya at OccupyLSX Camp
From Tanya Paton: Occupy London Faith Liaison Group.
In 2014 I would like to see a shift in global consciousness, in which people tune into their spirituality to lead them to stand together against injustice, where people move away from consumerism to fill their empty lives, where people develop courage to[…]
Read more →New Year thoughts from Jonathan Lamb.
My dad has bought himself a latest generation iMac (not sure exactly but I’m guessing at least a grand, probably more) – asked what it will be used for: “office, internet, watching movies”.
How long can this continue? Every 2 years, computers become twice as fast, yet almost everyone[…]
From The Accidental Anarchist: Not a typical New Years Eve
Posted on January 1, 2014
So it’s New Years eve and I found myself sat in the pub in the depths of Summers Town. Surrounded buy Celtic paraphernalia, Hurling teams and of course the Rugby team , Men in one room and women in the[…]
This article was derived from BIFF ! (Britain & Ireland Frack Free)
Published on 21 Dec 2013 on BIFF’s Facebook
Powerful letter to the Greater Manchester Police from an arrested protector
Seems appropriate to send this out on the darkest day of the year. As the light will be returning to the world I hope[…]
Read more →Infiltrators, Informers and Grasses. How, why and what to do if your group is targeted.
The Right look for recruits. The Left look for traitors.
To be an activist and not to be aware of the cloak and dagger world of your enemies would be very naive and for these very reasons activists often find[…]