
During the OLSX occupation outside St Paul’s, Occupy London received many donations – of food, of money, and of useful items such as clothes and bedding. We opened a Co-op Bank account (notwithstanding the irony of using banks while protesting against them!) and donations of money were kept safe there until needed. Decisions about what to spend money on were made by consensus at General Assemblies.

The last of those donations was used to put on The New Putney Debates 2014 and to launch Occupy Democracy.

Occupy London itself is currently not accepting donations, but if you’d like to help out, contact Occupy Democracy,

New Putney Debates,

or our ONN livestream collective who always welcome contributions via Paypal or contact them, via the same email address, if you would like to donate equipment; such as old phones you no longer need.

Many Thanks!

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